Research!America Alliance Discussion with Dr. Margaret Hamburg 1/25

Join us for an alliance discussion featuring Dr. Margaret Hamburg. Margaret A. Hamburg, MD. Wharton Club members & guests are invited!

Join us for an alliance discusb4e797be-1c7c-4a3a-8a01-de2277225383sion featuring Dr. Margaret Hamburg. Margaret A. Hamburg, MD, is an internationally recognized leader in public health, medicine, and biomedical research and innovation. She has served in numerous leadership roles including Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, National Academy of Medicine Foreign Secretary, President/Chair of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vice President/Senior Scientist at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (DHHS), New York City Health Commissioner, and Assistant Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Dr. Hamburg is the recipient of the Research!America's 2023 Outstanding Achievement in Public Health Award.


  • Wharton Club Members:
    • Lifetime & President's Club Members: You may purchase tickets for yourself and up to 3 guests:
    • Other Wharton Club members: May purchase ticket for yourself and one guest


1:30PM - 2:30PM Wed 25 Jan 2023, Eastern timezone

Virtual Event Instructions:

Look Who's Coming:

Alan Schlaifer
Guest of Alan Schlaifer
Guest of Alan Schlaifer
... a total of 3 guests.
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for the event!